5 Realization of Advanced Technology From Video Games

The development of Industry 5.0 demands a variety of activities with sophisticated technology. Various kinds of innovations are developed by scientists to compete and be at the forefront. There are various inspirations in developing technology. Like coming from movies, fiction stories, and even video games. It does sound a little dubious. But in fact, the game has become one of the references in presenting advanced technology. Technology innovation has made it happen. Here rzgamejr will provide five technologies that are realized from the game in the real world. 

1. Auto Aim 

A technology company from the United States TrackingPoint created a weapon capable of aiming at targets automatically. Named XS1, this is one of the names of advanced Auto Aim technology. Appointed based on a first-person shooting (FPS) based game, with the ability to make it easier to attack targets. 

The product is designed with a tracking button. When pressed, the weapon used will respond immediately. The response generated will lock the opponent's target and follow the opponent's movements.

Quoted from the Arstechnica page, tracking points make precision-guided firearms (PGFs) which are a series of rifles for hunting, with the XS1 auto aim capability. This technology is equipped with advanced computerization that looks like in the Terminator movies. 

2. Medpac 

If you like playing games in the action genre, surely you will experience attacks that require you to seek treatment using Medpac. By using this tool, you can get your blood regenerated back and restore your used energy to its original state. 

From this, a scientist from the United States, Joe Ladolina, tried to launch the product. The product is called VERTI-GEL, this is a gel that can stop the rate of bleeding. How to use it is simple, just apply it to the injured part then the gel will automatically work on that part of the body.

Reporting from the Constant America page, VERTI-GEL is a cleanser with a chlorinated alkaline foam that forms a gel when diluted with water. VERTI-GEL is designed to clean vertical or horizontal surface areas. This innovation also increases the duration of healing upon direct contact with the surface. 

3. Heads-Up Display 

Adapted from games in the Sci-Fi genre such as Watch Dog and Cyberpunk, this technology is one of the innovations to be realized in the real world. Most video games will display a character's in-game status that provides information about the game's score, health, or map. 

Taken from the Hudway page, the Heads-up display allows the eyes to stay focused on the journey. Such as speed, directions, call, and message notifications, all classified in the driver's view. An advisory will also be given to drivers, to prevent the driver's eyes from staying alert to speed as well as speed violations when driving on the road. 

4. Power-Ups 

This technology will be familiar if you hear the word power boosting in the game Fortnite. Not only that but it's also found in popular games like Super Mario Bros. Identical to the mushroom that can turn you into a giant with increasing strength.

Modafinil is one of the similar technological innovations that scientists will develop and implement in the real world. Reporting to the NCBI page, Modafinil's effect on glutamate does not vary by stimulating parts of the brain region. Modafinil is also reported to increase extracellular glutamate in the medial preoptic and posterior hypothalamus.

This effect will be due to the reduction of GABAergic. Later, this kind of supplement will be deployed to fighter pilots by increasing the level of alertness by a matter of hours. 

5. Controlling a Character 

In any game, of course, we have to control the characters we play. Because by doing so, we can assemble a strategy or method that will be used when trying to finish the game. This finally inspired a scientist from the University of North Carolina iBionicS Lab who developed a new technology that can control living things remotely. 

Quoted from the Realitypod page, later scientists will create a control related to animals like controlling video game characters. The State University Bionics Laboratory in North Carolina is reportedly set to launch brain wires in several cockroaches. When the technology is implemented, it will likely become one of the most disgusting cyborgs in the world.

Those are the 5 technologies of the game that are realized. For you gamers, these technologies are certainly familiar and now you can find them in the real world. Hopefully, all these technological innovations can indeed benefit humans and not damage human life. 

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